[Lychgate, Church of the Transfiguration]
Church of the Transfiguration "The Little Church around the Corner"
Church of the Transfiguration
Church of the Transfiguration. New York
The Church of the Transfiguration, Rev. G.H. Houghton
Churches, Church of the Transfiguration (The Little Church Around the Corner).
The Actor's Church. 29th Street - near 5th Avenue. Known as the "Little Church Around the Corner." Church of the Transfiguration.
"The Little Church Around the Corner" , N.Y. City
Little Church Around the Corner
"The Church of the Generals" 99th St. & Ft. Hamilton Parkway July, '50
The Little Church Around the Corner.
The Little Church Around the Corner, New York.
[Little Church Around the Corner.]
Little Church, E. 29th St.
"The Little Church Around the Corner," New York.
The Little Church Around the Corner, New York City.
Little Church Round the Corner New York.