1730. New York
1653-1664 Amsterdam in New Netherland
1783. Manhattan Island at the Close of the Revolution
1609. The Hudson River (Cahohatatea)
1609. The Island of Manhattan (Mannahatin)
A Plan of the City of New - York and its Environs
New York - New Jersey Tarrytown Quadrangle
Plan of the City of New-York
The New York Steam Company
Morrison's North River Traveller's Companion
Plan of New Amsterdam about 1644
Plan of the City of New York
New York - Rhinebeck Quadrangle
[Plan of the City of New York and Its Environs.]
Map of the City of New-York 1852
Amsterdam in New Netherland The City of the Dutch West India Company
Plan of the City of New York. 1780.
A plan of the City of New York from an actual survey in the year 1728, with the addition of modern names.
Plan of the City of New York.
New-York and Environs, from Williamsburgh