The Conferring of the Degree of Doctor of Laws on Ferdinand Foch, Maréchal De France
Dinner in honour of His Excellency Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France, given by the France-America Society
Commemorating the Visit of Marshal Foch to the United States
Dinner in honour of Monsieur le Marechal Joseph Jacques Cesar Joffre by France-America Society
Portrait, Marshall Foch on S.S. "Paris".
Banchetto in Onore del Maggiore Mario De Bernardi
Déjeuner D'Honneur offert par le Barreau de la Ville de New-York à Monsieur René Viviani
Dinner in Honour of His Royal Highness Edward Prince of Wales
Le Diner Pour Les Oeuvres Charitables du Comité Des Sociétés Françaises de Secours
The Old Guard Veteran Battalion of New York Eighty-sixth Anniversary Dinner
Mr. Capote's Dance [Black and White Ball.]
[Dinner in recognition of the friendly relations existing between the United States of America and the Dominion of Canada.]
[Dinner in honor of His Royal Highness Edward Prince of Wales.]
[The pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Kiddle's company is requested at dinner.]
The Palm Court