[Seating arrangement for the complimentary dinner to Charles Dickens given by the Press of the United States on April 18, 1868.]
[Invitation to complimentary dinner to Charles Dickens given by the Press of the United States on April 18, 1868.]
The honor of Mr. J. E. Leeds' company is requested at a dinner in compliment to Mr. Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens
Dinner Given to Gentlemen connected with the Railway interests of this Country, by Robert H. Berdell, Esq.
Complimentary Dinner to the Hon. C. N. Jordan, Treasurer of the United States
Diagram of Table with Order of Seats. [Dinner given to gentlemen connected with the railway interests of this country, by Robert H. Berdell, Esq.]
Dinner in honour of Sir Michael Herbert by the Pilgrims of the United States
Welcome to Charles Dickens. The Boz Ball.
Banquet Given by the Empire State Society Sons of the American Revolution Commemorative of the Battle of Lexington
Complimentary dinner to General Guzman Blanco tendered by Merchants of New York
Letter from Harry T. Peters to Charles Allen Smart of Doubleday, Doran & Company, April 15, 1929
Dinner given to the Honorable Morgan J. O'Brien. Seating List
Annual Dinner of the First Panel, Sheriff's Jury
Letter from Harry T. Peters to Charles Allen Smart of Doubleday, Doran & Company, April 1, 1929
Dinner in honour of Sir Henry Mortimer Durand by the Pilgrims of the United States
Dinner in honor of the Right Honorable Lord Northcliffe by the Pilgrims of the United States