Seventeenth Annual Dinner of the Dwight Alumni Association
Twenty-sixth Annual Dinner of the Dwight Alumni Association in honor of Prof. George Chase
[Elihu Root.]
Elihu Root
Second Annual Dinner of the Alumni Association, Public School No. 40
Address Delivered by the Hon. Elihu Root Before the New York State Constitutional Convention on August 15, 1894
Annual Re-union Dinner, Alumni Association Public School No. 40
Old Public School No. 40 Second Annual Re-union Dinner of the Alumni Association
Annual Dinner of the Associate Alumni of the College of the City of New York
Seating List. Annual Dinner of the Broadway Association
Annual Dinner of the Broadway Association On Its Tenth Anniversary
Twenty-third Annual Dinner of the New York Association of the Alumni of the Phillips Exeter Academy
Songs. Twenty-third Annual Dinner of the New York Association of the Alumni of the Phillips Exeter Academy
Tenth Annual Dinner, the Jewelers Twenty-four Karat Club of New York City
The Public Speaking Club of America Third Annual Banquet
131st Anniversary Dinner of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
Testimonial Dinner to the Hon. Ignace Jan Paderewski given by the Civic Forum, New York