"They're All My Friends"
"Nesting in a New York Tree"
"Good-Bye Flo"
"Yankee Doodle Boy"
Orchestration for "Life's a Funny Proposition" in "Little Johnny Jones"
"Under Any Old Flag at All"
"When We Are M-A-double-R-I-E-D"
"When a Fellow's on the Level with a Girl That's on the Square"
"I Want You"
"Drink With Me"
"Gee, Ain't I Glad I'm Home"
"Kid Days" from "The Honeymooners"
"'Op In Me 'Ansom"
Second violin orchestration for "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway"
Selections from "Little Johnny Jones" and line up of show, week of March 18th, 1917
Orchestration for "Little Johnny Jones"
"You Can Tell That I'm Irish"
"If Washington Should Come To Life"
"He Was a Wonderful Man"