Banquet tendered to Miss Gertrude Ederle, America's Conqueror of the English Channel by Mayor's Committee on Receptions
The Mayor's Committee, City of New York. In Commemoration of Swimming the English Channel - Gertrude Ederle, August 6
[Gertrude Ederle.]
Dinner in honor of Artur Bodansky by the Bohemians New York Musicians Club
"Boost New York City". Dinner tendered to Honorable John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York City
Dinner in honor of the Building Committee of the Union Club, given by the Governing Committee
Boost New York City. Dinner to Honorable John F. Hylan
Dinner in Honor of the British and French War Commissions Given by the Mayor of the City of New York
"The Bohemians" (New York Musicians' Club) Dinner in honor of the Flonzaley Quartet
Dinner in Honor of the Imperial Japanese Commission to the United States of America
Special Notice [Dinner in honor of the British and French War Commissions given by the Mayor of the City of New York.]
Seating List. Dinner in Honor of the British and French War Commissions Given by the Mayor of the City of New York
Testimonial Dinner to Honorable James A. Farley Postmaster General U.S.A.
Dinner Given by the City of New York in honor of the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill
Testimonial Dinner in Honor of Alexander Olshanetsky. Tendered by Society of Jewish Composers. Hotel Commodore