Saturday evening, September 19, 1857, will be presented a new comedy, adapted by Mr. Charles Mathews, entitled "Married For Money"
Thursday evening, February 5, 1857, will be performed for the first time in New York, an entirely new and elegant ballet, "Rose and Papillon", composed and produced by Mlle. Yrca Mathias
Wednesday evening, January 7, 1857, will be performed the play in five acts, by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bt., called "Richelieu; or, The Conspiracy", with Mr. Forrest as Richelieu, Cardinal Minister
Tuesday evening, May 12, 1857, will be presented for the second time a new hippodramatic spectacle arranged and adapted by John Brougham, called "The Devil's Horse; or, The Curse of Ambition"
Broadway Theatre. This splendid establishment will be opened with a carefully selected company on Monday evening, September 27
Tuesday evening, May 19, 1857 will be presented an entire new and historical drama in three acts, written by R. Johnston, called "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691"
Wednesday evening, January 16, 1856, the drama in five tableaus, called "The Sea of Ice; or, The Thirst For Gold, and the Wild Flower of Mexico"
Wednesday evening, May 13, 1857, a new hippodramatic spectacle in four acts, arranged and adapted by John Brougham, called "The Devil's Horse; or, The Curse of Ambition"
Tuesday, October 19, 1858, "I Puritani"
"Diane; or, Hands Not Hearts", Tuesday evening, May 13, 1856
Mrs. Julia Dean Hayne will play a farewell engagement prior to her departure for Europe, commencing Tuesday, June 5, 1860, when she will appear in Bulwer's great play of "The Lady of Lyons"
Monday evening, May 18, 1857 will be presented an entire new historical drama in three acts, written by Mr. R. Johnston, called "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691"
Friday evening, May 28, a new grand historical ballet in three acts and seven tableaux, composed by Domenico Ronzani, "Theresa; or, The Orphan of Geneva"
Mrs. Shaw and Mr. H. Placide in "Edith; or, Dealings with the Firm of Dombey & Son", Monday evening, November 20, 1848
Tuesday evening, October 9, 1860, and every night until further notice, Miss Cushman, second time here, as Meg Merrilies in the musical drama of "Guy Mannering"
Rossini's grandest opera of "Semiramide", Thursday and Friday, January 9th and 10th
Saturday evening, May 16, 1857, the performance will commence with the first act of the drama of "Robert Macaire"
Tuesday evening, June 10, 1856, the grand romantic and moral drama in five acts, "The Marble Heart"
Mr. Forrest as "Hamlet", Wednesday evening, January 21, 1857
Thursday evening, May 21, 1857, will be presented for the fourth time, the new historical drama in three acts, written by Mr. R. Johnston, entitled "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691"