A Plan of the City of New York
A View of Cooke's Tomb in St. Paul's New York
St. Paul's, Broadway, N.Y.
[Broadway streetscape.]
Old New York
A View of St. Paul's Chapel in 1799
Plan of City of New York from an Actual Survey by James Lyne
Broadway New York.
Old New York - St. Paul's Chapel - 1766
View of St. Paul's Church and the Broadway Stages, N.Y. 1831.
A View of St. Paul's Church, New York
Broadway and Fulton Street [Broadway & John Street to Broadway & Park Row]
St. Paul's Church and Old Broadway Stages 1833.
Plan of the City of New York Drawn by Major Hollander, Surveyor General.
The Towne of New York ; New York A. D. 1699
Astor House, Broadway, Barclay and Vesey Streets, New York " The Down Town Hotel"
Old Park Theatre New York, 1798-1848.
Barnum's Museum.
St. Paul Group, New York.