Vantile Mack, the Infant Lambert, or the Giant Baby!!
The Swiss Bearded Lady.
The Wonderful Albino Family.
What Is It? _ Or "Man Monkey".
Genl. Tom Thumb & Wife, Com. Nutt & Minnie Warren.
The Maine Giantess - Miss Silva Hardy - Nearly 8 Feet High.
An Heir to the Throne, Or the Next Republican Candidate.
"Grand Moving Picture of the Crystal Palace"
This evening, Wednesday, January 15, 1851, for the benefit of Mr. Hadaway, the distinguished comedian of this establishment, will be performed a feast of comedy, to begin with "The Comedy of Errors"
Barnum's Museum. Every day and evening this week, commencing Monday, March 23, 1863, re-engagement for a brief period, of that charming little Minnie Warren
Wonder of the world! For one week more! Every day and evening this week, commencing on Monday, August 22, the real mermaid!
The Wonderful Eliophobus Family.
Stoppani Hall, 396 Broadway. Grand moving picture of the Crystal Palace
Twin-Screw Steamer "Campania," of the Cunard Line.
Hon. Horatio Seymour.
Friday and Saturday, April 2 and 3, 1858, the drama adapted from Mrs. Southworth's Ledger story, by Mr. H. Watkins, entitled "The Bride of an Evening; or, Circumstantial Evidence"
Little Flora.
Genl. William T. Sherman.