["Travels of Benjamin the Third" at the University of Judaism.]
[Max Bozyk, Ben Bonus and Holtz in "Travels of Benjamin the Third" at the University of Judaism.]
[Ben Bonus and Max Bozyk in "Travels of Benjamin the Third" at the University of Judaism.]
[Max Bozyk in "Travels of Benjamin the Third" for Farband Mobile Theatre.]
"Masoes Binyomin hashlishi/rayzes fun Binyomin der driter" ["Travels of Benjamin the Third".]
[Ben Bonus and Max Bozyk in "Hershele Ostropoler".]
"Hard to Be a Jew" produced and directed by Maurice Schwartz at the Civic Playhouse, Hollywood, California
Farband Theatrical Caravan
[Cast of an unidentified production.]
[Ben Bonus, Mina Bern and other performers waving from a car.]
Edwin A. Relkin Presents Maurice Schwartz and His Yiddish Art Theatre Players in "Hershel, the Jester"
Maurice Schwartz and His Yiddish Art Theatre Players in "Hershel, the Jester"
Hershel From Ostropol
Max & Raizel Bozyk
[Interior of the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.]
[Production still with Ben Bonus, Vera Rozanko and Freidele Oysher.]
[Chorus performing "The Scotsman of Orchard Street" number in "Just My Luck".]
[Menasha Skulnik in "The Baby Sitter".]