[Lots between 37th and 38th Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue]
7th Avenue between West 37th and West 38th Streets.
[Row of shops on 8th Avenue between 37th Street and 38th Street.]
[Real estate map of 2nd Avenue between 21st and 22nd Streets.]
[2nd Avenue & 1st Street.]
Street Scenes - 1904. East 38th St. - No. Side Bet. 1st & 2nd Aves. In front of Peoples Baths 327 E. 38.
[Lots between Morris and Morrisania Avenues, between 161st and 162nd Streets]
[Lots 10-33 between 8th Avenue and Hudson Street, from Jane Street to Troy Street]
[Map of lots on block bounded by 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue, between 26th Street and 27th Street]
[Map of lots from 138th to 142nd Street, between 6th Avenue and the Harlem River]
[2nd Avenue between 28th and 30th Streets.]
[West Side of Fifth Ave. from 37th to 38th Sts.]
[Lots from 139th Street to 146th Street between 8th and 11th Avenue]
[Map of 25th and 26th Streets between 2nd and 3rd Avenues.]
[Mott Haven lots 2-30 and 224-230 from 128th Street to 134th Street near 3rd Avenue]
[Plat map of 36th to 40th Street between 7th and 8th Avenue]
[East Side of Fifth Ave. from 38th to 37th Sts.]
A Poor Neighborhood - Corner 38th St. & 1st. Ave.
56 Park Avenue, between 37th and 38th Street. Residence.
[Morrisania lots from 1-18 between Boston Avenue and Union Avenue and from Home Street to 168th Street]