[Map of the Upper West Side]
A. Executor's Sale of over 500 Very Valuable Lots; B. [Map of the Upper West Side.]
[Lots for sale in the Upper West Side.]
[Property lots in the Upper East Side.]
[Lots in the Upper East Side.]
[Map of property from 93rd Street to 99th Street, between 8th Avenue and Bloomingdale Road]
Map of Property in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York Belonging to the Estate of W. W. Gilbert, dec'd
Map of Property to be sold at Public Auction at the Merchts Exchange by J. Bleecker & Sons on Thursday 29th January 1835 at 12 1/2 o'clock
Map of Property in 12th Ward of the City of New York Belonging to Archibald Watt
Map of 7 Lots on 29th and 30th Streets to be sold by R R Minturn & Co. at the Merchant's Exchange on Wednesday the 4th of March at 12 o Clock.