Brodway-gatan och Radhuset i Newyork.
Esquisse af wards tafla i Mr. Earles galleri i Philadelphia.
Flyglarna af capitolen i Washington år 1819
Broadway - gatan och Radhuset i New York
New Yorks Hamn och Redd, Fran Brooklyn pa Longisland
New Yorks hamn och redd, fran Brooklyn pa Longisland
Ruiner efter en gammal fastning i Tenessee staten.
Gerards Bank i Philadelphia.
Third Street i Philadelphia
Ã…ngfartyget Chancellour Liwingston
Perkins nyligen uppfundne Elldslacknings sprutor.
Bro öfver Skuylkill strommen nara Philadelphia.
Broadway and the City Hall, 1820.
Principal Story Plan of Gilbert's House
[Four tenement housing plans drawn for the Tenement House Commission, State of New York.]
Type of Twenty-Five Foot Tenement House Plan As Adapted to Proposed New Tenement Law Requirements
Type of Fifty Foot Corner Tenement House Plan As Adapted To Proposed New Tenement Law Requirements
First Floor
Tenement House on Lot 100 Ft. x 100 Ft. Plan of Second Floor
Typical Floor Plan For Lot 25 x 100 Ft. Type "A" [Tenement housing plan.]