The Committee for Gracie Mansion Dinner
Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Friendship Dinner to Rt. Rev. Patrick J. Hayes, D.D., Bishop Auxiliary of New York
Dinner in honour of the Most Reverend Cosmo Gordon Lang, D.D., the Lord Archbishop of York, Primate of England
The Gracie Mansion
Dinner to Honor Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright and His Staff
[Gracie Mansion.]
Gracie Mansion.
Dinner on the occasion of the Laying of the Cornerstone for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
Seating Arrangement for the Third Annual Dinner of the Overseas Press Club of America
One Hundred and Forty-second Annual Banquet of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York
A Dinner: Given in Honor of the Creators of the Bronx River Parkway
Annual Dinner Second Panel, Sheriff's Jury
[Gracie Mansion Interior.]