Drama in Jones Street
In for a Beer
The Most Popular Man in the Block.
Looking Up At "Dead End". Off the Docks Into the Pit Bobby Jordan
Riding to Work
Seen at the City Hall - a personal complaint to the Mayor - he's never too busy [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Leaves from a B'way Sketchbook [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Dress Up Day
The Father of the Blues - WC Handy, at home in his office, which overlooks Broadway. He has just completed autobiography [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Whistle Man at Carnegie Hall
Jim and Mary have kept this little newsstand for thirty years- on the Circle- Saturday nights Jim stays at the stand till around 4 in the morning - daytimes they take turns [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Rehearsing a dance number [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
[Sign for the Skitzy exhibition.]
He said he was totin' coal all day [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Performance: A Study In Complete Absorption ; Intermission: A Study In Spontaneous Combustion
Theatrical, Grand Opera Rehearsals.
"Pins and Needles" - Harold Rome
The Man Who Left the Farm Because He Hated Milking Cows - Comes to New York and Becomes a Coin Collector in the Turnstile
Chinese Men Walking in the Park
A Night at the Opera, Aida