[Artwork by Reginald Marsh.]
1. [Waterfront and Coney Island.] 2. - 3. [Waterfront.] 4. [Carousel.]
[Swing carousel at indoor amusement park.]
[Carousel at indoor amusement park.]
1. - 3. [People engaged in conversation.] ; 4. [Warning sign.]
[Paintings by Reginald Marsh.]
[Scenes of a family, building facades and carousel horses.]
[Paintings and portraits of people.]
[Paintings by Reginald Marsh and scenes of travel and leisure.]
[Travel scenes and carousel horses.]
[Indoor swing carousel at Coney Island amusement park.]
[Scenes of a resort, men on a park bench and a dog in the snow.]
[Scenes of Coney Island beach and people at a summer house.]
[Paintings by Reginald Marsh and actors.]
[Scenes of people in the country and aboard a ship.]
[Paintings by Reginald Marsh and a model.]
[People riding swing carousel at Coney Island amusement park.]
[Portrait of a woman and paintings by Reginald Marsh.]