Map of Part of the City of New York, Showing the Location of the Fox Estate
[Map of Lots from Old Post Road, North to West Road, Showing Division Between New York and Harlem]
[Map showing Harlem River, High Bridge Park and Tenth Avenue]
[Map showing Tenth Avenue to the Harlem River from 164th Street to High Bridge Park]
J. Clarence Davies Map of The Bronx Showing Present and Proposed Transit System
[Map of the Jumel Estate from Edgecomb Road to the Harlem River]
Map of Bronx Borough; showing complete street system as finally adopted and present and proposed transit system.
[Map showing Harlem River to Edgecomb Road between 159th and 164th Street]
[Sketch map of Kingsbridge Road and 5th Avenue between Harlem Road and 196th Street]
[Harlem River Speedway.]
[Van Cortlandt Park from Gun Hill Road.]
New York and Harlem Rail Road
Map showing Location of Jerome Park and Fleetwood Park (New York Driving Club), 1889.
The Speedway, New York.
[Speedway and Washington Bridge on the Harlem River.]
New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Company
High Bridge, Harlem River and Speedway, New York.
Map of Harlem Heights and Plain
[Map of Harlem]
[Map of lots from 138th to 142nd Street, between 6th Avenue and the Harlem River]