Alexander Hamilton Statue, Columbia University, New York.
Columbia University, New York.
Alma Mater and Library Steps, Columbia University
New College of the City of New York.
Memorial to Dean Van Amringe, Columbia University
[Carl Schurz monument.]
Stadium, College of the City of New York.
College of the City of New York, Great Hall.
College of the City of New York, Mechanics Arts Building.
[Alexander Lyman Holley monument.]
Greetings from Columbia University, New York.
Stadium, College of City of New York.
Entrance to Campus Grounds, City College, New York.
Townsend - Harris Hall, City College, New York.
Columbia University Library, New York.
The Library of Columbia University, New York City
College of City of New York.
Library, Columbia University, New York.
City College, New York.
Interior of Library, Columbia University, New York.