Reed's Patent Steam Engine ; Kumbel's Patent Machine Stretched Leather Banding
Brooklyn City Steam Engine Manufactory. D.P. Burdon & Co.
Backing In [Backing a horse-drawn fire engine into a station.]
The Simonds Manufacturing Co.
Broadway and Barclay Street [Broadway & John Street to Broadway & Park Row]
Fire Engine Co. New - York.
Abraham Vaness Fire Engine Builder.
Ferry Street [Collect Pond to Fulton Street]
John H. Lester
Grand and Sheriff Street [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
George Brodie, Importer and Manufacturer of Cloaks and Mantillas
Ferry Street & Cliff Street [Collect Pond to Fulton Street]
Broadway and Bleecker Street [Broadway & Howard Street to Broadway & 10th Street]
The "Leader," Gas Heater
Valley Forge Steam Fire Engine Co. 46
Wm. S. Vanderbilt & Bros. ; A. Toth ; Tilton & McFarland
Broadway [Broadway (General) to Broadway and Exchange Place.]
Beekman St. and Cliff Street [Baxter Street to Broad Street.]
[Fire engine on lower Broadway]