From Leary and Co. Hatters
Leary & Co. Leaders & Introducers of Fashions for Gentlemens Hats
Francis & Loutrel, Manufacturing Stationers & Printers
Centennial of Freedom 1776-1876
S. Gusthal's Picture Frame and Variety Store
Wm. J. Suttie, Optician
Spain Restaurant
Dr. G. L. Lamson, Dental Surgeon
Towing. The New and Powerful Steamers Jacob Bell and Richmond
Club Dorame
C. G. Gunther, Furrier
Hammacher Schlemmer & Co.
Retail Trade, A. Wittnaur, Watches.
Greenwich Presbyterian Church [145 West 13th] on north side of West 13th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. House this side is No. 147. House on far side is No. 139.
John E. Kaughran & Co.
Compliments of the Mechanical Orguinette Co.