[Horace Greeley Monument.]
[Horace Greeley statue.]
["Horace Greeley" bronze statue.]
["Horace Greeley" bronze statue on pedestal.]
[Thomas Moore Sculpture.]
[Fitz Greene Halleck Sculpture.]
[Johann Von Schiller Sculpture.]
Nathan Hale Monument, N. Y. City.
Nathan Hale Monument, N. Y., City.
[Nathan Hale statue.]
Nathan Hale Statue. City Hall Park, New York.
Nathan Hale Statue, City Hall Park, New York.
Nathan Hale Statue, City Hall Park, New - York.
[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sculpture.]
[From base of Greeley's Statue looking west across City Hall Park.]
[Alice in Wonderland sculpture.]
[Lafayette and Washington Sculpture.]