Express Trains in Subway at Spring Street, New York.
Broadway and 117th-119th Streets [Broadway & 43rd Street to End of Broadway]
Amsterdam Ave, north from 117th St., New York.
View in Subway Station at Broadway and 59th Street; New Subway Viaduct Broadway & 124th Street
Changing New York [Lenox Avenue and 117th Street.]
Washington Headquarters, 160th Street, Near Amsterdam Avenue, New York
Elevated R. R. Curve at 110th Street, New York City.
[162 East 117th Street]
117th St., west from Morningside Ave, New York.
[418 East 117th Street]
Subway Entrance and Exit Kiosks, New York.
5th Avenue and 117th Street
Washington Headquarters, 160th Street, Near Amsterdam Avenue, New York.
[7th Avenue and 117th Street looking west.]
Riverside Drive and Grant's Tomb New York.
416 East 117th Street
Riverside Drive and Grant's Tomb, New York.
[425-427 East 117th Street]