Our Governor Charles E. Hughes.
Here is "The Lemon" They Hand You Now.
The New-York Elephant
"Safeguard health of our dogs" Urges Legislature in New Bill
Flag Display New York World's Fair
Flag of Liberty Union and Peace
Their Presence of Mind. They had been in their room but a moment when they were startled by a knock.
U.S. Battleship, Louisiana.
[American flag button.]
George Washington Statue as seen through a Garland of Flags, New York's World's Fair
[National Doughnut Month.]
The Flag of the United Nations
Original Henry Hudson Flag.
Some Pumpkins.
[Series of cartoons.]
New York. Fire on Park Place in Winter.
Request to Stop...
[Returning to Prison.]
[Frozen Bread.]
"The Horse is Coming Back" Says Noted Canadian Authority.