Firemen wetting down Ruins, N.Y. City
"The Alarm" Fire Dept. N.Y. City
Crowd at a Fire, N.Y. City
Water Tower on Parade, N.Y. City.
Hook and Ladder Truck and Parade N.Y. City
Exhibition of Ladder Raising. F.D., N.Y. City
New York City Fire Scene
Horse Tender and Engine Responding to Alarm, N.Y. City
Fire Scenes, N. Y. City.
Broadway, N.Y. City.
Fire-boat "The New Yorker", N.Y. City
South Ferry, N.Y. City.
Park Row, N.Y. City.
Gramercy Park, N.Y. City.
"The Little Church Around the Corner" , N.Y. City
High Bridge, N.Y., City.
Hester Street, N.Y. City.
Exhibition of Water Tower and street pipes action. F. D, N. Y. City.
Carnegie Hall, N.Y. City.
Hotel Manhattan, N.Y. City.