Sixth Ave., North from 14th St., N. Y. City
G. 180 a. 23rd St., West from 3rd Ave., N.Y. City.
14th Street east from 6th Ave., N. Y. City.
23rd St., East from 6th Ave., N. Y. City.
5115504. 14th St. Station, 3rd Ave. "L".
Fourteenth St., East from Sixth Ave., N. Y. City.
Broadway and 23rd Street, N.Y. City.
3rd Avenue and 14th Street.
[3rd Avenue & 14th Street.]
[14th Street and 3rd Avenue]
Nassau St. from Ann St., N.Y. City.
St. Thomas Church, 5th Ave N. Y. City.
Broadway & 33rd Street, N.Y. City.
The Waldorf Astoria, N.Y. City
Hippodrome, N.Y. City.
[Street scene at 3rd Avenue & 14th Street.]
120th St. & Amsterdam Ave. N. Y. City.
Old Latimer House 88th St., 3rd Av. N.Y.
125th St., 3rd Ave.