[Dyckman Station]
General Franz Seigel Monument, Riverside Drive, N.Y.
Dyckman St.
110th St. "L" Station & Curve, highest Point of "L" Railway.
Upper Broadway (Near 200th St.) and Fort Tryon, N.Y.
Subway and Elevated Stations, Coney Island, N. Y.
72d St. Station, Subway, Broadway and Amsterdam Ave., N.Y.
W. D. R. R. and Big Swamp, Browns Station, N. Y.
62nd St. Subway Station, Borough Park, Brooklyn, N.Y.
City Hall Subway Station, N.Y. City.
Subway Station, New York, N.Y.
The Bowery, showing Elevated Road, New York.
Greetings from 86th St. Brauhaus, 249 East 86th St., N.Y.C.
Subway Station, N.Y. City.
N. Y. Public Library
[Dyckman Street.]
Reservoir Dam, Esopus Creek near Browns Station, N.Y.
Reservoir Dam, Esopus Creek, near Browns Station, N. Y.
Advertising Coach, Fulton St., N.Y.