Holland House, Fifth Ave., N. Y. City.
Fifth Avenue, Waldorf - Astoria. N.Y. City.
Madison Square Garden and Fifth Avenue N.Y. City.
Fifth Avenue Hotel, N. Y. City
Windsor Arcade, N. Y. City.
23rd St., East from 6th Ave., N. Y. City.
The Union Club, N. Y. City.
Hotel St. Regis, N. Y. City.
Fifth Avenue, N. Y. City.
Immigrant Bldg., N.Y. City
The Waldorf Astoria, N.Y. City
St. Thomas Church, 5th Ave N. Y. City.
Entrance to Central Park, N. Y. City.
G. 180 a. 23rd St., West from 3rd Ave., N.Y. City.
Broadway and 5th Ave. North from Madison Square, N. Y. City.
"The Plaza," N. Y. City.
Drive, Central Park, N. Y. City.
Hotel Manhattan, N.Y. City.
Hotel Manhattan, N. Y. City.
William St., ("The Canyon") N. Y. City.