Columbus Monument, New York.
Columbus Monument, New York
"Churchill's" Broadway and Forty-Ninth Street New York
Plaza, 5th Ave. and 59th St., New York.
Automat Lunch Room. 1557-59-61-63 Broadway (Bet. 46th & 47th Sts.)
Maine Monument, Columbus Circle, New York City.
Hotel Woodward
Original Room at Fraunces' Tavern, Cor. Broad and Pearl Streets, New York, where General Washington Bid Farewell to His Officers on the 4th of December, 1783.
Cafe Lafayette, formerly Hotel Martin.
Columbus Circle, Nwe York.
Main Dining Room Fraunces' Tavern.
Columbus Circle, New York.
Fifth Avenue. New York.
Hotel Seville, New York
Restaurant & Stone Bridge, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Lobby, Hotel Martha Washington
Plaza, 5th Ave, and 59th St., New York.
Grace Church, New York.
Hotel Navarre, New York.