Victory Parade, New York. Homecoming 27th Division, Passing the Jewel Arch.
Victory Parade at New York
Victory Parade, New York. Altar Erected in front of Public Library on 5th Ave.
Victory Parade, at New York, Homecoming 27th Division passing the front, Mach 25, 1919.
Victory Arch
[Farewell Parade, 27th Division.]
27th Division Welcome Home Parade
[Homecoming of the 27th Division, passing under the Victory Arch.]
U. S. Debarkation Hospital #3
The Bronx Board of Trade. Welcome Home to Maj.-Gen. John F. O'Ryan 27th Division, U.S.A.
[Victory Loan Parade, battleship "Victory" sailing down 5th Avenue.]
[Police on horse back in a parade.]
[Victory Loan Parade.]
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops Review and Parade of the 27th Division
Victory Parades of the First Division, United States Army
Official Emblem April 27th 1968 Peace Parade
"New York World's" Exhibit. Foxhall Keene's head at foot of picture [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
I Love New York!
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops. Review and Parade of the 27th Division
[Bicycle parade down 5th Avenue.]