10th Avenue between 58th and 59th Street. De Witt Clinton High School, entrance.
General View of DeWitt Clinton High School, N.Y.
Tenth Avenue Entrance, DeWitt Clinton High School, N.Y.
Auditorium, De Witt Clinton High School, N.Y.
DeWitt Clinton High School in Manhanhattan from the Front, South east.
10th Avenue between 58th and 59th Street. De Witt Clinton High School.
DeWitt Clinton
De Witt Clinton High School Class Day Exercises
The DeWitt Clinton High School, Borough of Manhattan. Fourth Annual Graduating Exercises
Graduating Exercises of the De Witt Clinton High School
Class Day Exercises of the Senior Class, De Witt Clinton High School
DeWitt Clinton Park in Manhattan, Children's Farm-School, September 19th 1902.
DeWitt Clinton High School Mann. 10th Ave., 58th to 59th Sts.; High School of Commerce. 65th to 66th Sts. bet. Broadway and Amsterdam Ave., New-York City
Washington Irving High School Programme of Graduating Exercises
The Graduating Exercises of the De Witt Clinton High School of New York City
First Real Minstrel Show given by the Senior Class of the De Witt Clinton High School