No Tick Here.
Their Presence of Mind. They had been in their room but a moment when they were startled by a knock.
"That Ought to Hold 'em!"
"And That's the Last I Saw of 'Em."
Windsor Hotel fire, March 12, 1899
The Dog: Here he has been hanging around us for a month, and we leave to-night.
Has She a Heart?
The Polo Cup Stays Here.
This Man Forgot to Shut the Door!
Homeward Bound or Return of the Summer Tourists to the City
[State Street, home of Robert Fulton.]
Illustration of a Valentine - Fourteenth of February.
Sprague's Trip to the Mountains in Sept 1814
Request to Stop...
"Keep them well in front of you, General, and don't trust their boo-hoo-ing."
[Returning to Prison.]
[On the Boulevard.]
"Our Flag"
That Horrible Moment - when, having had the nerve to turn down the light, you find that you haven't the nerve to make the next move.
Steinway Building- 4 Ave- 14 Street.