Ferry Street [Collect Pond to Fulton Street]
Brooklyn City Steam Engine Manufactory. D.P. Burdon & Co.
Francis & Loutrel, Manufacturing Stationers & Printers
Worthington's Safety Steam Pump and Fire Engine ; Welch & Griffiths
Temple & Fox's Boston Patent Steam Carpet Beating Machine
Towing. The New and Powerful Steamers Jacob Bell and Richmond
Maiden Lane and William St. [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Christian G. Gunther, Importer of All Kinds of European Furs
Liberty Street and Maiden Lane [Jackson Street to Ludlow Street]
Howard Hotel, Broadway, New York
South Street and Maiden Lane [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
Maiden Lane [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Maiden Lane from #84
C. G. Gunther, Furrier
Steam Engine #824
John H. Lester