The Speedway & Highbridge, N.Y. City.
The Speedway and Highbridge, N.Y. City.
High Bridge Harlem River, N.Y. City.
Washington Bridge, N.Y. City.
Washington Bridge, N.Y. City
The Speedway. N.Y.
High Bridge, N.Y., City.
Immigrant Bldg., N.Y. City
The Speedway, New York.
Speedway & Washington Bridge, N. Y.
The Speedway, New York
High Bridge, N. Y. City.
Speedway and Washington Bridge, New York City.
[View of the Harlem River Speedway and Harlem River from beneath Highbridge]
Mulberry Bend Park, N.Y., City.
Hester Street, N.Y. City.
Washington Bridge and Speedway, New York City.