Ruby Foo's Den -- 240 W. 52nd St. (West of Broadway) New York
The Dining Room "21"
Dining Room, Gallagher's Steak House
Cafe Europa & La Brioche
Murray's, 42nd St., Near Broadway, N.Y.
Michel's, 38 East 53rd Street, New York
Fred Fassler "Viennese Room"
Luchow's Famous Restaurant, 110 East 14th St., New York City.
The Danbury Room, White Turkey Restaurant
Air-Cooled Atmosphere in the Finest Restaurant in the World, Section of Main Dining room -- Steuben Tavern --42nd St. & Broadway -- N. Y.
East 52nd Street. Moffit dining room.
The King of the Sea
Faust Restaurant Annex
Hotel Windsor, New York.
Maison Royale
Maillard's Ladies Luncheon
Part View of Luchow's German Restaurant. Fourteenth St., New York.
Hickory House, Inc.
The Lobster, Oyster and Chop House
Jack's Opposite Hippodrome, New York.