East 55th Street and 5th Avenue. St. Regis Hotel, The Oak Room.
Hotel St. Regis, New - York
St. Regis Hotel, New York
EEast 55th Street and 5th Avenue. St. Regis Hotel, The Oak Room.
Hotel St. Regis, Iridium Room.
Hotel St. Regis, New - York.
The St. Regis Hotel, New York.
[Hotel St. Regis, Iridium Room.]
St. Regis Hotel, New York.
[Hotel St. Regis Palm Room.]
East 55th Street and 5th Avenue. St. Regis Hotel, private dining room.
Hotel St. Regis, N. Y. City.
Hotel St. Regis, lounge room.
[East 55th Street and Fifth Avenue. St. Regis Hotel. Interior, dining room.]
[Hotel St. Regis, Room #706.]
[Hotel St. Regis, Louis XVI Suite.]
Hotel St. Regis, Room #706.