[Memorial to Richard Morris Hunt.]
[Monument to Richard Morris Hunt.]
[Simon Bolivar Memorial.]
[A meeting of the association formed for the purpose of founding a Twelfth-Street School Wadleigh Memorial.]
[The Sherman Memorial, entrance to Central Park.]
[Sherman Memorial at entrance to Central Park.]
[Small dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gouverneur Morris in honor of Miss Leta Morris.]
[The Straus Memorial.]
World War Monument, Seventh Regiment New York. 107th U. S. Infantry, 5th Ave., at 67th St., New York
Lenox Library, N. Y. City.
[Walter Scott Memorial.]
Dedication Exercises. New York State Roosevelt Memorial
Lenox Library, New York
[Samuel F. B. Morse Sculpture.]
Dedication of the New York State Theodore Roosevelt Memorial
2 East 70th Street at 5th Avenue. Blair Residence, general exterior.
Memorial Hospital. North Elevation
[Straus Memorial Fountain, Broadway at 106th Street]
Harold C. Richard [residence]. Mr. Richard's bathroom.
Chez Richard