First Dinner of the Hobby Club of New-York at the Metropolitan Club
Second Dinner of the Hobby Club of New York
Eighth Dinner of the Hobby Club of New York
Ye Feaste for ye XXII tyme of ye companye known as ye Hobbie Clube of ye Citye of New Yorke
Dinner of the Twenty-ninth Street Members of the Engineers Club Commemorative of the Opening of the First Clubhouse
Annual Banquet of the Engineers Club
[A dinner of the members of the Hobby Club on May 1.]
[A dinner of the members of the Hobby Club on December 19.]
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Library to fireplace, sharp lighting.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Library to desk.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Entrance hall.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Dining room to fireplace.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Living room to sofa.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Dog room.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Detail, dining room fireplace.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Dining room to rear wall.
Nineteenth Annual Lincoln Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York
Twenty-seventh Annual Lincoln Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York