Arthur Godfrey [Godfrey and another man laying on a couch.]
Arthur Godfrey [Godfrey interviewing a man, possibly for his show, Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts.]
Arthur Godfrey [Man sitting in a radio studio.]
Arthur Godfrey [Arthur Godfrey interviewing a man for his radio show.]
Arthur Godfrey [Godfrey on a horse.]
Arthur Godfrey [Godfrey with a horse.]
Arthur Godfrey [Godrey interviewing a man, possibly for Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts.]
Arthur Godfrey [Godfrey and another man on a couch.]
Arthur Godfrey [Godfrey on a farm, with a cow.]
Arthur Godfrey [Godfrey golfing.]
Arthur Godfrey [Godfrey speaking into a CBS microphone.]