A Plan of the City of New York from an actual survey
Plan of the city of New - York, drawn from actual survey.
Plan of City of New York from an Actual Survey by James Lyne
A Plan of the City of New York from an Actual Survey Made by James Lyne.
Plan of the City of New York
Plan of the City of New York from an Actual Survey
Plan of the City of New York.
A Plan of the City and Environs of New York
A New & Accurate Plan of the City of New York in the State of New York, in North America.
Plan of the City of New York - The greater part from actual survey made expressly for the purpose (the rest from authentic documents)
Map of City of New York, showing the locality of the Common Schools
A Plan of the City of New-York drawn by Major Holland, Surveyor General, 1776
Map of the City & County of New York ; Upper Part of the City and County of New York.
A New & Accurate Plan of the City of New York in the State of New York in North America. Published in 1797
Plan of the City of New York, 1808
A Plan of the City and Environs of New York as they were in the years 1742, 1743 and 1744. Drawn by D.G. in the 76th year of his age who had at this time a perfect & correct recollection of every part