Harlem River North near Webb Avenue.
[High Bridge]
Harlem. July 11- 14
Hudson River.
New York Central Railroad, Harlem River Line
[Mott Haven, the Harlem River, and Transit Connections to Manhattan, with Perpsective of New Station of the Hudson River Railroad at One Hundred Thirth-Eighth Street]
Side elevation of the Bronx Borough Court House
Bronx NY RR Cut Nov.22 -12. [New York Railroad Cut, in the Bronx.]
Map of the Village of Mott Haven
Second Floor Plan Bronx Borough Court House
Mott Haven Canal
Map of Mott Haven Canal Docks and other Property of W. E. Rider and T. H. Conkling
On the Harlem River
The Last of the Dutch Houses, New Lots. 1908 Dec.
[End of Elevated Railroad, Suburban Railroad Bridge from 155th Street Bridge, New York]
View on the Harlem River, N.Y.
Front Elevation of the Bronx Borough Courthouse
[Boats on the Harlem River.]