First Reception of the Entre Nous Literary & Social Club
Annual Dinner of the Church Club of the City of New York
Commencement Exercises of the Theodore Roosevelt Evening High School
Third Annual Reception of the Prospect Club
The Columbian Club Annual Dinner
First Annual Dinner of the What'll Club
[Building on Fordham Road.]
Dinner of the Twenty-ninth Street Members of the Engineers Club Commemorative of the Opening of the First Clubhouse
[Seating arrangement for the Columbian Club annual dinner.]
Knickerbocker Club.
Second Annual Banquet of the Associate Alumni of the Male Department of Grammar School No. 14, New York City
Annual Banquet of the Engineers Club
First Annual Dinner of the New York City Police Endowment Association
[The Knickerbocker Club, tender to Honorable Charles Mills, the privileges of their Club House for the period of one week.]
Forty-Fourth Annual Reception of the Atalanta Boat Club