Lake Scene, Prospect Park, Brooklyn N. Y.
Public School No. 123. Ridgewood, Brooklyn. N.Y.
Bird's - eye, Dreamland Tower, Coney Island, N. Y.
Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y.
Federal Court and Supreme Court Buildings, New York City
The "Rest" Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Trinity Church, New York.
N. Y. Telephone Building, New York.
Standard Oil Building, New York
Standard Oil Building, New York.
Washington Irving's House. Irving Place, N.Y.
View of Court St. looking towards Borough Hall, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Times Square, New York.
Public School 139. Cortelyou Road, East from Argyle Road, Flatbush. BROOKLYN, N.Y.
Washington and Bowling Green Buildings, New York.
Junction of Fulton & Court Sts
Zoological Park Elephants, Luna & Moody, Bronx Park, New York City.
Court Remsen & Court Montague Bldgs.
Singer Building, 41 Stories, Highest Building in the World, Broadway and Liberty Street.
City Hall Square, New York.