Shelton Hotel - 48th - 49th Streets & Lexington Avenue
Phil Gluckstern's Famous Kosher Cuisine, 209 West 48th Street, New York 19
Shelton Pool -- 48th - 49th Sts. & Lexington Avenue.
Hotel Dauphin - Broadway at 67th St. - New York
The Famous Hawaiian Room - Hotel Lexington, New York City
Hotel Edison, 46th to 47th Street, just West of Broadway, New York.
Hotel Lincoln - New York
Hotel Bristol, 48th St. between 6 & 7th Avs., Building, direct front view.
Hotel Commodore, Grand Central Terminal, New York
Hotel President
Hotel Belmont, Grand Central Terminal, New York.
129 West 48th Street. Hotel Bristol
Ruby Foo's Den -- 240 W. 52nd St. (West of Broadway) New York
Hotel Robert Fulton, 71st Street West, New York
Hotel Piccadilly
Town Hall, New York City.
St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City.