Dining Room, Gallagher's Steak House
Main Dining Room -- Sardi's -- 234-36 West 44th St. New York. Air Conditioned
Phil Gluckstern's Famous Kosher Cuisine, 209 West 48th Street, New York 19
Cocoanut Grove -- The Park Central, New York
Bar and Town Room -- Town and Country Restaurant, 284 Park Avenue, New York
Ruby Foo's Den -- 240 W. 52nd St. (West of Broadway) New York
Shelton Corner
Hotel Piccadilly
Hotel Wentworth, 59 West 46th Street, Just West of Fifth Avenue
The Aristocrat of Avenues and its iridescent human tide
The Roosevelt New York
Stouffer's Restaurant.
Dixie Hotel
Georgian Room, Hotel Piccadilly.
Inspiring View from the Roof Terrace -- Allerton House, New York City.
Library Plaza -- overlooking Fifth Avenue's surging throngs
Lobby and Globe in the News Building -- New York
Allerton House, 57th Street - New York.