The "Clermont" Sailing up the Hudson River, 1809.
The Palisades of the Hudson River.
First Steamboat on Hudson River. Robert Fulton's "Clermont" 1807
Hudson River Day Line Steamer. "Albany."
Hudson River, N. Y. The Palisades.
The Palisades, Hudson River.
On August 17, 1808, the first steamboat, Rob't Fulton's "Clermont" started its famous trip up the Hudson River, and on Aug. 19th, arrived at Albany.
Robert Fulton and the "Clermont" on the Hudson
The Palisades from Steamer, Hudson River.
The Palisades, Hudson River, N.Y.
The Palisades, Hudson River, N. Y.
Hudson River Steamboat "Adirondack." Greetings from Albany, N.Y.
"The Palisades" Hudson River.
The Clermont on Her First Trip August 17, 1807.