Broad Street, N.Y.C.
Madison Square Garden N.Y.C.
Old Trinity Church, N.Y.C.
Where the Bowery Meets Chinatown N.Y.C.
Plaza Hotel, overlooking Fifth Avenue and 59th Street, N.Y.C.
Near the Lake in Central Park, N.Y.C.
Madison Square Garden, N. Y. C.
[Woolworth Tower Overlooking St. Paul's Graveyard, N. Y. C.]
[Near the Lake in Central Park, N. Y. C..]
Wall Street, New York.
[Plaza Hotel Overlooking Fifth Avenue and 59th Street, N. Y. C. ]
[Trinity Church.]
Washington Arch, N. Y.
Statue of Liberty in N. Y. Harbor.
Views of New York City.
New York Public Library, Fifth Ave. & 42nd Street.
[Times Square.]
[Municipal Building and City Hall.]
Broad Street, N. Y. C.
[St. Patrick's Cathedral.]