Criminal Court Building and the Bridge of Sighs, N. Y.
Criminal Court Building and Bridge of Sighs, New York.
The Bridge of Sighs connecting the Tombs and Criminal Court Building, Centre St., New York.
Criminal Court Building, Franklin & Centre Streets, 1903
["Bridge of Sighs" connecting "The Tombs" to the Criminal Courts Building.]
Bird's Eye View of Manhattan, East River and Brooklyn from Woolworth Building, New York City.
New York County Court House
Federal Court and Supreme Court Buildings, New York City
Union Square, New York.
Washington Bridge and Speedway, New York.
Bridge of Sighs, New York.
New Manhattan Bridge, New York.
Brooklyn Bridge, New York.
Brooklyn Bridge New York.
Williamsburg Bridge, New York.
Washington Bridge and Speedway, New York
Williamsburg Bridge. New York.