["Bridge of Sighs" connecting "The Tombs" to the Criminal Courts Building.]
Criminal Court and Bridge of Sighs, New York.
Criminal Court Building and the Bridge of Sighs, N. Y.
Criminal Court Building, Franklin & Centre Streets, 1903
Criminal Court Building, Centre St., New-York.
[Tombs and Criminal Court Building.]
Criminal Court Building and Bridge of Sighs, New York.
[The Tombs and the Criminal Court Building.]
Bridge of Sighs. Tombs Prison. Centre Street.
[Bridge of Sighs, the Tombs.]
Under the Bridge of Sighs [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Bridge of Sighs, New York.
[Criminal Court Building, entrance to tombs on 1M floor.]
Criminal Court, Center St. New York
[Corner of Franklin and Centre Street. Criminal Courts Building.]
Bridge of Sighs. Tombs.
[Criminal Court.]
[Criminal Courts Building, 100 Centre Street.]