Convent Ave, south from 145th St., New York.
Convent Ave, south from 143rd St., New York
148th St., west from Amsterdam Ave, New York
148th St., east from Broadway, New York.
148th St, west from Broadway, New York
Claremont Ave, south from 127th St., New York.
Morningside Ave, south from 116th St., New York.
144th St., west from Convent Ave. New York.
S.W. Cor. Convent Ave and 152nd St, New York.
Convent of St. Ursula, New York.
Wadsworth Ave. south from 184th St., New York.
135th St., west from Amsterdam Ave, New York.
St. Nicholas Ave, south from 148th St, New York.
Wadsworth Ave, north from 179th St., New York.
146th St., west from St. Nicholas Ave, New York
Ft. Washington Ave, south from 178th St., New York.
147th St., west from St. Nicholas Ave, New York
Morningside Ave, north from 117th St., New York.
145th St, west from Amsterdam Ave, New York.
144th St., west from Amsterdam Ave, New York.